Thursday, May 23, 2013

eVite or Invitation: Which is Personal and Proper?

Invitation Warehouse Contributor/Blogger

In an article published on Emily Post Etipedia1, it states, “A wedding invitation is one of the most personal invitations issued, and an electronic version may not convey that sentiment.” In continuing our discussion on the debate to send digital or traditional invitations, you have to weigh this in light of how each generation - Baby Boomers, Generation X-ers, and Millennials define ‘personal’.

According to Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, personal2 is defined as “relating to an individual; affecting individuals; peculiar or proper to him or her, or to private actions or character. Therefore, personal, as it pertains to wedding invitations, would be what is proper to that particular bride and groom.

It may very well be proper to a bride to go with a digital invitation because she was raised by a Generation X single mother. On the other hand a bride may opt to go the more traditional route because of what her Baby Booming parents taught her. What may be proper to one is a matter of ‘personal’ finance to the other.

The main thing to remember is that a wedding invitation should be personal - all the way around. From selecting the style, font, and color to whether you should send it via digitally or by snail mail; just remember this is one of the most personal invitations you’ll get to send for the rest of your entire life. eVitation or Invitation? Tell us what you think?


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Friday, May 17, 2013

Invitation Delivery Etiquette

Invitation Warehouse Contributor/Blogger

As discussed in ‘Age Appropriate Wedding Invitations’, we mentioned that Baby Boomers and Generation X-ers believe that the bride should consider her guests in all her wedding planning decisions; whereas most Millennials believe that all decisions should center around the bride. With two sides differing in opinion, what do the rules say?  Or in the world of weddings, what does etiquette dictate?

According to an article on Emily Post’s Etipedia1, it states that when sending eVitations you should consider the following;

·         Do all your guests use email and check it regularly?
·         Will it get delivered?
·         Is it personal and special enough?
·         Will it make responding easier or more timely?

It goes on to say that “A wedding invitation is one of the most personal invitations issued, and an electronic version may not convey that sentiment.”  

With that being the case, the issue can only be decided by clearly defining “personal”; because what one generation may consider personal may be viewed as inconsiderate.  In our next post we’ll delve into the idea of each.  But until then, we’d like to hear your thoughts.  Be sure to tell us what you think in the comments sections or post your thoughts on our Facebook page.

Copyright © 2013 Invitations Warehouse, LLC®. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Millenvites and X Baby Boomerations

Staci Sweet
Invitation Warehouse Contributor/Blogger

According to an article published by, when 20 to 30 something’s, the Millenvites (Millennials and evites), decide to send their wedding invitations, they’re going digital.  Because of their desired delivery method, guests over 40, the X Baby  Bommerations (Baby Boomers/Generation x-ers and formal invitations), seem to feel left out.  You mean technology is impacting wedding invitations?  Absolutely, and here’s why.

X Baby Bommerationsare accustomed to physical or personal contact.  You know, speaking to one another face-to-face or calling someone and actually holding a conversation; whereas Millenvites communicate by updating their statuses on Facebook or by simply sending a text.  Therefore since they’re accustomed to digital communication, every life occasion and major event will be communicated as such. 

Older generations prefer traditional, formal invites and whereas the younger prefer digital. So how can you invite three generations to your wedding and make sure no one feels left out? Send age appropriate invites.  Send digital invites to your younger guests and mail formal invitations from Invitation Warehouse for your older guests.  Or why not step your game all the way up and send each a digital and a formal invite? Either way you can’t go wrong! Be sure to leave us a comment and share your thoughts.

Copyright © 2013 Invitation Warehouse, LLC®. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Age Appropriate Wedding eVites and Invitations

Invitation Warehouse Contributor/Blogger

According to a recent article published by Today, it cites that digital wedding invitations are trending amongst 20 to 30 something aged couples.  It also pointed out that the guests of those couples who are 40 and over were a bit perturbed when they received an electronic invite for such an important day.  But why is that? 

I like to call it ‘generational communication etiquette’ and depending on whether you’re a Baby Boomer, Generation X-er, or a Millennial will determine the method in which you communicate. 

Case in point; the Baby Boomer generation comes from the school of thought where a traditional thermo graphed, engraved or embossed formal invitation is sent with an emphasis on considering the guests during the selection.  Why?  Because this generation also believes in helping others and placing others before oneself; therefore, the bride would take her guests into consideration in all her wedding planning decisions.
On the other hand, some Millennials - not all - are just the opposite.  Their rule of thumb is that this is ‘the bride’s big day’ and everything and everyone – including the groom – should center around the bride and what she wants.  And if the bride wants to send a digital invitation to all of her guests, then gosh darnit so be it! 

So what’s the solution?  Simple; send age appropriate invites.  Send digital invites to your younger guests and mail formal invitations from Invitation Warehouse for your older guests.  Or why not send each a digital and a formal invite?  That way everyone, including the bride, is pleased.

Tell us what you think.  Digital or formal?
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