Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving Greeting Cards

The next major holiday is just around the corner.  What is it?  Thanksgiving silly!  It’s that time of the year when you get to make a big to-do and decorate with those bright tones of auburn, crimson, and taupe and it’s when the smells of pumpkin and sage fill the air. Yum! 

It’s September so technically you still have two months to prepare for the festivities; but have you sent your Thanksgiving Day greeting cards? ‘I didn’t know we had to!’ Oh yes Sweetie!  In the age of digital announcements and social stationery at your beck-and-call; you’re going to have to send greeting cards this year.  And trust me; it’s never too early to start thinking about and even ordering a few.  But are Thanksgiving Day greeting cards necessary?  Perhaps, but allow me to explain.

You see Thanksgiving is traditionally a time to give thanks.  But maybe this year you should go the untraditional route and express your thanksgiving by sending those you love, those you like, and those you don’t like or love so much a greeting card to simply say, ‘I’m thankful that you’re a part of my life!’   Sending a Thanksgiving Day greeting card is a subtle, alternative to express your appreciation.

Maybe you’re not the mushy type and usually have a problem expressing your feelings.  Well, sending a Thanksgiving greeting card is a simple way to let the card do the talking for you.  Those closest to you need to know that you genuinely care and are actually thankful they’re around; even if you roll your eyes and ignore them the majority of the time.  You’d be surprised how a simple Thanksgiving Day greeting card with just your signature can open the door to things like forgiveness, healing, and encouragement.

Be sure to check out our next post where we’ll give you some ideas on how-to express those feelings of yours and also give you a preview of our extensive Thanksgiving Day and Christmas greeting card selection.  But until then, click here to take a look at our greeting card gallery.

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